Dear Missionary Applicant for Sponsorship,
If you are a missionary and are seeking support from Bible Baptist Church (BBC), Brunswick, GA, please complete the following questionnaire. The application process requires that you acknowledge the Policies, Beliefs and Operating Procedures of Bible Baptist Church and provide personal and contact information.
God bless you,
Bro. Clayton Edgy
Missions Director, Bible Baptist Church
912-297-0177 (Bro. Clayton's cell)
Missionary Support Questionnaire
I am seeking financial support from Bible Baptist Church. I have read and hereby acknowledge understanding of the Missionary Policies and Procedures of Bible Baptist Church, which are:
- Bible Baptist Church will only support Independent Baptist Missionaries.
- Because a missionary is a church planter and will oversee churches on the field, it is the policy of Bible Baptist Church that a missionary must meet the requirements of I Timothy 3 in his personal and public life.
- Each missionary must be a member of an Independent Baptist Church.
- Request for finances regarding projects and support should be made directly to the Pastor or Missions Director of Bible Baptist Church. Questions about said support or church policies should be directed to the Pastor or Missions Director.
- It is understood that should a missionary change fields, mission boards or home church, his status for support will be reviewed at that time.
- It is understood that should a missionary change his doctrinal position, his support will be dropped immediately, even while he is in the field.
Bible Baptist Church Doctrinal Statement:
- We believe the King James Version (1611) is God’s Word to the English speaking people.
- We believe in the God-head, being the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, are co-equal in power and glory.
- We believe in the Person and Works of Jesus Christ: Deity – Incarnation – Sacrifice for sin.
- We believe in the local church: Visible – Local – Self-governing – Self-supporting – Soul-winning.
- We believe there are two ordinances of the church: (1) Water Baptism and (2) The Lord’s Supper.
- We believe there is a hell for the lost and a Heaven for the saved – deemed by CHOICE.
- We believe the believer is sealed eternally by the Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Pre-Millennial return of Jesus Christ.â
Questionnaire: (Please feel free to copy and paste this questionnaire into your processing software. You may also print, answer and mail or email the questionaire to the address indicated above. )
Please provide your responses to the following questions.
- Do you currently tithe to your local church?
- Will you continue to tithe to your local church?
- Will your ministry be a “church-centered ministry”?
- Do you cooperate with either the Ecumenical or Hyper-Calvinistic movements?
- Do you agree with and follow all of the Doctrinal Statement of Bible Baptist Church, written above?
- Do you fellowship with those who deny the Doctrinal Statement of Bible Baptist Church, written above?
- Bible Baptist Church requires that you submit an update letter on a monthly basis. You may however, extend this update to bi-monthly if monthly submission becomes a hardship. Do you agree to provide theses updates?
- Provide the name and address of your local church?
Biographical Information:
- Tell us about your Family:
- Tell us about your calling to the Mission Field:
- Tell us about your church background:
- Tell us what you expect to accomplish on your Mission Field:
Contact information:
Mailing Address:
E-mail address:
Contact Telephone Numbers:
Name of your Mission Board: