Bible Baptist Institute
Bible Baptist Institute is a ministry of Bible Baptist Church. It was started in 1984 as a means of educating every Christian about the Bible. The institute is not just for those who are wanting to start their own churches or go into full time Christian service. It is for anyone who has a desire and willing spirit to learn. The class meets each Monday night, September through May, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. It is a 3 year program that covers Old Testament, New Testament and Bible Doctrines. At the end of the 3 years a Graduate of Theology Certificate is awarded.
There is no charge for the institute, however, a love offering is taken up the first Monday night of each month. You will be asked to pay a nominal fee $1 at the beginning of each quarter to cover the cost of printing your booklets. Also, you will need a Willmington's Guide to the Bible if you do not have one. It can be purchased at class for about $30. This book will be used the whole 3 years. You will also need a King James Version Bible if you do not have one.
If you are interested in joining BBI or have any questions, please contact the church office at